Žemaitija Tourism Information Center

Author's excursion “Education in Telšiai 1918 - 1940. or from Vydūnas to Macernis "


1918 - 1940 is an exceptional, one can even say unique period in the history of Telšiai education. It was then that Telšiai became the main educational center of Samogitia - an extremely interesting, diverse and even multinational system of educational institutions was formed here. Some educational institutions operating in Telšiai were well known not only in Samogitia, but also throughout Lithuania. And the Telšiai Rabbinical Higher School was important for the Jewish community scattered all over the world.

During the tour we will stop at the buildings of the most famous educational institutions of that period, we will remember the founders of these institutions, the people who worked here, pupils and students. It is gratifying that such people as writer, philosopher, public figure Vydūnas, historian Zenonas Ivinskis, linguist Antanas Salys, poet Pranas Genys, professor of history Bronius Dundulis, professor of pedagogy Leonas Jovaiša and many other deserving people of Lithuania worked or studied in Telšiai during the interwar period. intellectual face. Among the peculiar and bright personalities of that time was the poet Vytautas Mačernis, who was formed as a personality while studying at the Telšiai Bishop Valančius Gymnasium. He also started his creative activity here.

Excursion duration - 2 hours, price - 50 Eur. Number of participants - up to 30 people.

The author's tour can be ordered at the Samogitian Tourism Information Center (tel. 861863448 or e-mail turizmocentras@telsiai.lt)

