Žemaitija Tourism Information Center

Tasting of "Džiugas" cheese


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We will taste 48-, 36-, 24-, 18-, and 12-month-old DŽIUGAS hard cheese and look for unique combinations with various condiments: honey, nuts, grapes, pears, jam. A glass of branded wine DŽIUGAS will also be good for company.

You will see for yourself the intricacies of the taste of various ripened cheeses, because even a small piece pleases the palate with its savory strength, light acridity and is pleasantly crushed with delicate calcium crystals.

Time will not pass while tasting and talking about the benefits of cheese, the history of consumption culture and the latest trends, we will reveal many secrets and regional legends that only DŽIUGAS knows.


  • Da

    Ačiū Aistei už puikiai pravestą sūrio "Džiugas" degustaciją. Nuotaika puiki, daug sužinojome naujo. Sėkmės jums ir jūsų komandai. 2024 07 13