The church of Our Lady of Kaunatavas icon "Joy of all those who are sad" stands in the village of Telšiai, Kaunas.
A small wooden church was built in 1894. by an unknown merchant from St. Petersburg (Rs. 5,000).
The temple was built on land that once belonged to a Catholic parish. The Orthodox Parish was established in 1895. 1921 The Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior handed over the church building to Catholics. At that time, there were about 500 believers in the parish who opposed the decision and petitioned the Cabinet, which on December 21st. reversed the decision. 1937 there were 981 believers in the parish.
1947 the Soviet registered the parish. At that time a priest from Kolainiai or Telšiai came once a month.
It was renovated in 2010. The services in this house of worship take place during the summer.
