Žemaitija Tourism Information Center

Cafe "MEDININKA" in Varnii


The Medininkā café is located in the center of Varniai town (~ 2.5 km from the recreation park) - an ideal place for a delicious lunch, a cup of coffee and a pleasant conversation with loved ones. A stroll, bike or car ride to the café will give you a unique opportunity to explore Varniai town.

We also remember those looking for space for seminars, festivals, camps, parties, birthdays, weddings or business lunches. The Medininkā cafe, which holds up to 50 people, is perfect for your planned events. Together with a summer cafe on the shore of the lake, it can feed up to 3,000 people. people.


  • Ma

    Patiko maistas, aptarnavimas. Porcijos didelės. Gaila, kad šiuo metu (2024.03-04 mėn.) sekmadieniais nedirba.

  • Da

    Puiki! Užsukome šešios pavalgyti galvojom gal nebeturės, sekmadienis... Bet labai maloni padavėja mums atnešė puikius pietus! Oi, kaip mes džiaugėmės! Ir kaip buvo skanu! Laimingos patraukėm link Vilniaus...