Bohema is a modern and stylish guest house, restaurant, salon and spa complex. Located in the center of Telšiai, Respublikos str. 59.
Bohema offers guests:
- 8 cozy, modern rooms with private toilet and shower.
- Spacious attic with private terrace area.
- Private apartment with terrace area to the courtyard.
- Restaurant with a wide selection of menus.
- The spa area is a cozy and relaxing environment where you will enjoy the whirlpool and rejuvenate your soul and body in the Turkish bath and sauna.
- Electric bicycles for rent for hotel guests.
- Opportunity to visit the SALONE and purchase the provided services (massages, eyebrow spa treatment, full body depilation, manicure / pedicure services).
Rekomenduojam. Jaukūs ir stilingi, švarūs, tvarkingi svečių namai. Nuostabi lokacija senamiestyje - lankytini objektai ir pakrantė greit pasiekiami pėsčiomis. Nors senamiestyje, bet visiška ramybė - jokio savaitgalinio triukšmo. Pusryčiai paprasti, neįskaičiuti į kainą. Mūsų kambaryje netraukė WI-FI, bet problemos nebandėm spręsti, nes nakvojom tik vieną naktį :)